Purchase tariff

Zasady klasyfikacji i wymagania jakościowe dla tytoniu Virginia ze zbiorów  w roku upraw 2024



Harvest floor

Characteristics of leaves

Leaves description

Mechanical defects






C - cutters

separately baled

Mature, thin to medium-sized leaves with a flexible, fleshy structure

Yellow to bright orange leaves longer than 30 cm

Up to 5%

0  %

Up to 18%



X - lugs

C - cutters

Odzielnie belowane

Liście dojrzałe, cienkie do średniomięsistych o elastycznej strukturze

Liście żółte do jasnopomarańczowych, dłuższe niż 20 cm

Up to 5%

0 %

Up to 18%



X - lugs
C - cutters
separately baled

Ripe leaves with flexible , open structure

Liście żółte  z dopuszczalnym zabarwieniem pomarańczowym do 30 % blaszki wynikającym z dojrzałości

Up to 20%

Up to 5%

Up to 18%



X - lugs
C - cutters
separately baled

Leaves mature, slightly unripe or slightly overripe, moderately flexible with open to compact texture

Liście żółte , z dopuszczalnym zabarwieniem brunatnym do 25 % blaszki

Up to 20%

Up to 20%

Up to 18%



X - lugs
C - cutters

B- leaf

Leaves mature, slightly unripe or slightly overripe, moderately flexible with open to compact texture

Liście dojrzałe pomarańczowe z dopuszczalnym zabarwieniem brunatnym do 20 %. Liście podwierzchołkowe – ciemny orange do jasnobrunatnych

Up to 20%

Up to 20%

Up to 18%



X - lugs
C - cutters
B- leaf

separately baled

Leaves mature, immature or slightly overripe, moderately flexible with open to compact structure

Yellow and orange leaves with up to 60% brown coloration allowed

Do 30 %

Up to 20%

Up to 18%



X - lugs
C - cutters
B- leaf

Liście różnie rozwinięte o średnniej i ciężkiej strukture, niedojrzałe lub przejrzałe

Leaves with coloration: mahogany, dark, gray except for unusable leaves, with celadon coloration up to 20% separately baled

Up to 40%

Up to 25%

Up to 18%



All leaves except offshoots. Useful parts of the leaves

Leaves with brown, gray and celadon coloration

Up to 40%

Up to 18%

Additional information:

  1. The weight of tobacco delivered by the grower is determined to tenths of a kilogram.
  2. Papery and unpapery leaves arranged in the bale regularly are allowed - the roots of all leaves in the bale touch the walls of the baler.
  3. Permissible moisture content up to 18%.
  4. Permissible swelling up to 3%.
  5. Dopuszczalna waga beli: 30kg.
  6. Dimensions of the bale:80cm x 60cm x 40cm.
  7. The use of plastic string to tie bales is prohibited.
  8. The presence of any organic and synthetic type impurities is unacceptable - such tobacco is not subject to purchase.
  9. The following tobacco leaves are not subject to buyback: green, with celadon coloration - more than 30% of the blade, excessive caked, attacked by mold, rotten, frozen or brewed with a foreign smell (smoke, cowshed, musty)- such tobacco is not subject to buyback.